A thousand shall fall at thy side, but it shall not come nigh thee

God`s deliverance of believers in flood which affects all region.


Article by: Victor Correa

A thousand shall fall at thy side, but it shall not come nigh thee
PHOTO: Pedro Itaboray

Following the TV program of the Worldwide Church of God`s Power, Marlene Oliveira Comeaux, 48, inhabitant of Louisiana in the United States, was given her victory which was protected by God`s hands. “A huge flood after heavy rains hit throughout the state as well as several surrounded cities causing high losses of wealth and lives to everyone. My husband and I have a company and we called God for help when we heard the forecast of the flood as soon as the storms started. We got to know about the Worldwide Church of God`s Power through Internet some years ago. Since then, we have sought Jesus Christ and believed in Him and in the miracles.”

According to Marlene, when the storms started, everyone had losses. “ Even we lost about one million dollar with repairs, but we worshipped God because our losses were the smallest ones compared to what happened to the surroundings. Families lost lives and companies were fully flooded with dirty water. After we started praying, God kept our house safe to such an extent that the level of water didn`t get to our knees in the backyard. The level of water in the neighborhood got to the shoulder of a person who measured about 1,80 meters tall. It was such a huge miracle that many people who passed by our house called us asking about why the flood didn`t hit our house and we just answered that it was God`s hand.”

Despite the losses, the entrepreneur said, “Even having losses, it was very little. The forecast of losses was of almost five million. Many companies and stores from the region were wrecked. We are very thankful to God because we were able to reopen our business after the water lowered. Neither any of our employees nor we were affected by any diseases that come with the flood. All the financial losses that we had, God restored us double. God provided us with thriving condition and open doors to renegotiate our debts. We are very thankful to God.


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(Proverbs 19:11)
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