Through God`s man`s faith.
Victim of cancer expels breast tumor through her throat.
Article by: Victor Correa
For a year, Leny de Melo Moreira, 58, resident in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, suffered from breast cancer. “It got my left breast and it was necessary for me to have it removed. The doctors removed my left breast, but the lump, instead of coming to the end, got my right breast. I didn`t know what else I could do.”
Through TV program, Leny got to know the Worldwide Church of God`s power. “I started to follow the program and I had terrible pain in my chest. When the Apostle Valdemiro Santiago said, in his prayers, who has no faith should use his faith. I started to pray at home, and I repeated his words about faith. At the same moment I breathed deeply and the lump was expelled though my throat, out of my mouth.”
After she expelled it, she went back to the doctor and had more exams. “The Power of God reached me and I don`t have anything else. I`m healed for the Glory of Jesus.” She speaks jolty.
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