After three overdoses woman abandons addiction
The housewife Fabiana de Assis is now the worker of the World Church of the Power of God in Rio de Janeiro
Leaving the chemical addiction in the past was a decision that almost cost the life of housewife Fabiana de Assis Barbosa, 35, a resident of the state of Rio de Janeiro. A user of marijuana, cocaine and the devastating crack cocaine, Rio de Janeiro had three overdoses - motivated by the abuse of chemical substances, which can lead to the bankruptcy of vital organs and, in more severe cases, to death. Fabiana came to the meeting of the Urgent Miracle with Bishop Amaury de Farias sharing her testimony of liberation. Asked how she joined the "drug world," she recalls: "I chose the wrong path influenced by bad companies. Someone offered and I, out of curiosity, agreed to try it. "
"Be not deceived: bad conversations corrupt good manners," 1 Corinthians 15:33.
A lot of money and seven years were lost. And the amount of narcotics consumed only increased. But the emptiness within was not filled. At such times, even under the influence of drugs, the housewife turned on the television for consolation and found refreshment to her heart in the words given in the programs of the World Church of the Power of God. "I lived like this until the day that when I heard a preaching I decided to drop all that, accept Jesus and let God do everything new." Your delivery was total. Soon after joining the World as a member, he chose baptism and today serves as a worker in his city, dedicating his time to the work.
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