Black stripe pills are suspended after healing
Domestic made use of controlled medications for about six months to treat depression
At the age of 40, the domestic Maria Cosma Marcial Santana met with depression. The mental disorder affected all the routine that takes in the Sítio Barro de Cima in the rural zone of the city of Prado, in the state of Bahia. The discovery of the disease happened after doctors investigated severe headaches that Cosma felt. Several exams were done and no clinical findings appeared, prompting specialists to suspect that the root of the problem was something psychiatric.
"My head burned and it looked like I had tapurra walking," Cosma said. In the interior of Bahia, people know by tapuru, the larva originated from infectious diseases. The parasite settles inside the skin and lays eggs, initiating its reproduction cycle.
The sensation described by the domestic coupled with other symptoms makes the doctors close the case as deep depression. The treatment is the basis of black stripe remedies. "Each box cost R $ 80.00. I was very worried, but I already knew this work and I told the doctors that it served a great and powerful God that would cure me of that, "he recalled. It was six months of tears and prayers. Because she lived in a very remote area, Mary participated in the services to which the pastors of the World Church of the Power of God sought members in the neighborhood. On days when there was no meeting, she would follow the ministry on TV. "I kept drinking my glass with water for one day. I did this until the healing came. Today I am well and very happy, "he testified in the World City of Dreams of God in Brás, in São Paulo.
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