Italy: family restored by God
Brazilian living in Tuscany, Italy, suffered from recurrent betrayals of her husband

A dysfunctional family, marked by conflict and distrust. This description sums up well the past of the Brazilian Rosa Saldanha de Menezes, 46, who left her country of origin to live in Italy with her husband. The union was not well viewed by the neighborhood. Several times she was publicly humiliated with offensive remarks about the frequent betrayals of her husband who also cultivated vices, exposing them negatively. In Europe, Italians are among the most unfaithful. One in two men claimed to have betrayed the woman, about 55% of those interviewed for the development of a study by the French Institute of Public Opinion (Ifop).
Rose prayed a lot and was directed by the Holy Spirit to participate in a Concentration of Faith, Power and Miracles in the World City of God's Dreams. Thinking of saving her bond, she embarks for Brazil and is ministered by the Apostle Valdemiro Santiago.
"After the Man of God embraced me and blessed me, my marriage began to be restored. We did a beautiful ceremony confirming our wedding vows before the altar and we are very happy. " The current address of the family is the region of Tuscany, famous for its mountains and villages in the medieval style. In the cult of the Urgent Miracle with Bishop Amaury de Farias, at Brás headquarters, she witnessed the transformation in her husband's behavior and how all this is reflected in married life. Sketching smiles and much sympathy, the couple held the flag of Italy while talking to the Bishop who ended up risking some words in the language of the visitor who speaks only his mother tongue. Urgent Miracle Does your family also need to be restored? Participate in the cult of the Urgent Miracle held every Tuesday in the World City of the Dreams of God in Brás, from 7am for service with the workers and at 9am with the beginning of the service. The church has two entrances, and can be accessed by Rua Caetano Pinto, 584, or Rua Carneiro Leão, 439, both in Brás.
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