Farmer buys tractors and cattle to become tithing
Before honoring God by giving back the tithing and offering the business of the Mato Grosso did not prosper

The business of Sonia Maria de Freitas, 74, began to thrive after part of her income was invested in the work of God. Cultivating the habit of returning tithing, giving, and vowing in the World Church of God's Power has allowed her to reap many financial blessings. "I worked and could not get anything. I met the IMPD on television and began to watch the Apostle Valdemiro Santiago. He just walked and planted rice with difficulty. Today I have a truck, two cars, five tractors and a herd of cattle".
"To him who gives liberally, it is still added to him more and more; he who withholdeth more than is righteous, shall be shewed in sheer loss, "Proverbs 11:24
Honoring the Lord with our resources is an act of love and obedience. Such behavior enables us to achieve the fulfillment of biblical promises. God assures us in his word that we will be blessed. It was what happened to Sonia, her life lived a complete change when she became faithful. God can do this to you too!
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