Faithful opens perfumery after Bishop's word
Man of God determined by faith that businesswoman would live a spiritual break in the financial life

9 months ago, the entrepreneur Ivonete Belarmina da Silva, 42 years old, entered the World City of the Dreams of God, in Santo Amaro, in the south zone of the city of São Paulo, with a demonstration kit. She took the material to the church to consecrate it to the Lord. Bishop Alex Silva answered. The man of God released a prophetic word about his life, determining a break in the financial area:
“It's been 10 years since I dreamed of having my own business and he declared that I would not carry that kit to sell in my store any more. To the glory of God, my space is already open, ready to receive my clients and expand my billing", she said.
Lucky transformed God can also transform your finances, health, family! One step of faith is enough for your story to be transformed. Believe in the power and goodness of the Creator and like David in Psalm 126, verse 1, you can also declare that you "stood as if dreaming" when the Lord decided to change your lot. What the Father dreams to accomplish in his life is so surprising that it will seem like a dream, will leave him speechless to explain. Believe it!
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