God turns recycler into entrepreneur
Antonio Rogério, who has already gone hungry, manages utilities and real estate for rent

"From junk to luxury". This is how entrepreneur Antonio Rogério Santos, 41, a resident of the state of Bahia, summarizes his story that was shared in the World City of Dreams of God, in Bras, in São Paulo. To live the dreamed "upset" were years of suffering and humiliation. Antonio lost count of how many miles he drove driving a wagon in search of recycling without knowing if he could get enough resources for his basic needs.
"Unfortunately, people only respect you for what you have. I even humbled myself for a plate of food. But since I began to tithe and offer in this work, I began to prosper. Today, I get to buy a potty truck a year in my variety trading. I also have a building and houses for rent. God has honored me greatly in the earth".
Purpose of the passport After losing ground, Antonio accepts the invitation of the Apostle Valdemiro Santiago to the IMPD members to participate in the purpose of the passport. "About 80 days later I recovered the land and built my first building for rent. I have the pleasure to tithe and offer in this work, I choose the best notes. It is a tithe for love because God deserves the best and the more we open our hands, the more God prospers, "he concludes. Be faithful to the Lord in tithes and offerings and He will reward you with blessings without measure!
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