Pleural effusion cure
His daughter is now 9 months old and has been healed for the honor and glory of the Lord Jesus

“God was very good in my life and healed my daughter,” says Jessica Helena Neves Pereira Santos, 28, a resident of the city of São Paulo.
“My daughter, 2 months old, had Pleural Stroke, it is an excessive accumulation of fluid in the space between the visceral pleura and the parietal pleura, which is in the lung”, says Jéssica.
Gradually her daughter's lung was paralyzed, and more and more Jessica was becoming apprehensive and sad for fear of losing her daughter. Until she met a worker at the World Church of the Power of God and she received a prayer for her daughter. Her daughter was hospitalized for 15 days, several IMPD workers prayed for Jessica's daughter and after 2 days of prayer she received the news that her daughter had improved. Currently her daughter is 9 months old and has been healed for the honor and glory of the Lord Jesus, has had no sequelae and is very healthy. Jessica is very grateful for all the prayers and for God to take care of everything.
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