Do a good deed everyday
Your attitudes make a difference to God
By: Bishop Jorge Pinheiro
Article by: Victor Correa

Some people receive the miracle for faith and others for attitude. The Bible tells us, in Mark, about a disabled person who received his healing when his friends lowered his bed. In Acts 9.36, we have the resurrection of a woman, but what called most attention was this woman`s work. It`s clear that we are saved by our faith and not by our work. On the other hand, without work it`s impossible to show our faith. The works are, according to Apostle James, the demonstration of faith, that`s why we need works
Tabitha, or Dorcas, was a disciple and became famous for the good works and almsdeeds she did. Her attitudes called attention, the good works she did. Both God and men could realize that. All kinds of help and charity we do, it`s considered alms. Dorcas helped others with everything she had, but it`s not mentioned whether she was rich. It`s not necessary to be rich to help other people. Rich people don`t even try to help, they only stock goods to themselves.
The Bible teaches us how to donate. Lending someone who is neglected? Never mind, because who will pay you back is God. The One who is in heaven rewards who donates with much more than what was given. We have to do a good almsdeed everyday, help people, and never wait for the reward. Everything is for the glory of God. In Dorcas` time, it was very different. A widow had to struggle to make her living because women didn`t work elsewhere but home. Men were responsible for supplying their families with their needs. Currently, it`s difficult, so figure out at that time. We insist on making you come to the church for you to be in a favorable environment to feed your faith. Peter prepared a favorable environment to pray for that woman. Even though, your house is the best place for you, it will never be God`s home. It may have the presence of God, but it won`t be the church alike. Concentrate on God`s answer. Many requests are not fulfilled. Let`s suppose that Dorcas was a gossiper, cheater, calumnious, bad habits, with bad examples and away from God. God would never resurrect someone who is perverse to have more evil attitudes. She was resurrected due to the good works she did. We have to do good deeds and help people. This miracle called so much attention that they believed in the Lord. The good deed you do will bring hope to many people`s lives. Do good deed to someone who doesn`t have condition to pay back. It`s the parable of the Good Samaritan, “Do good to someone you know and someone you don`t know as well”. The Bib le says that who sympathizes with poor people, lends God and He pays your benefits. Having good works counts on you. God weighs our lives. The king Nebuchadnezzar, in Daniel 5, was weighed and found sinning. God weighs our lives, our good and bad attitudes all the time. Do you know what counts the most when God looks at your life? So, if your are in bad condition, start doing good works in order to make the scale tend to your side. If you have good works, when you bend your knees, God will answer your request right away.
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