Seek God`s understanding, the Holy Spirit in your life and the salvation of your soul.
By: Bishop Jorge Pinheiro
Article by: Victor Correa

Acts 8:9 talks about Simon, the Sorcerer. The sorcery is an illusion. In circus as well as in shows, we see magicians attracting many people. They become astounded at seeing how the performance takes place. Several times they are not able to find explanation for what they watch so they believe the sorcerer has power. Indeed, what they watch is magic trick. Evil works in the same way, with illusion. This Simon mentioned in Acts was a sorcerer who used to trick people showing himself powerful and people believed in him. He tricked people and they thought he was one of the biggest God`s man. The evil doesn`t have either power or authority because it comes from the name of Jesus, but he also cheats on and tricks people. Unfortunately, as in Samaria, people listens to the devil as they listened to Simon. By the moment that Simon watched Filipe, who was the real God`s man, preaching the Word, saw the true power and hugged the faith. He decided to follow Filipe jolt to see the miracles closely. The same way that we see in this ministry, which is work from God`s hands and that no magic trick performs. The power of God benefits people and the magic just make them feel happy, it doesn`t change their lives.
You need to be baptized in the water for your salvation. Jesus Christ was baptized in the water and soon afterwards the baptism by the Holy Spirit came onto Him. People who are baptized in the water say no to the sins as well as to the world and hold their faith. It`s necessary to receive the Holy Spirit for you to have your life in faith and not get away from God`s path.
When the disciples got to know what was happening in Samaria, they went to the town to make people receive the baptism by the Holy Spirit. The baptism with the Holy Spirit fulfills God`s work in your life. It`s very important to seek the baptism with the Holy Spirit. The devil did everything to get you away from being baptized, but you did so. Nevertheless, he didn`t give you up. He keeps trying to get you out of God`s presence, out of the church, scandalize and make your faith weaker. You have to look at Jesus because He never disappoints us. We can`t get away from His presence. Those who have the Holy Spirit by their side never fall and that`s the reason why we need the Holy Spirit with us. That Simon who was sorcerer and baptized when he saw that during the hand imposition it was granted the Holy Spirit, he offered money in order to have the same power. He would like to deal and buy God`s power. Even though he was baptized, he looked forward to having this power. But he didn`t search for that neither in the right way nor with good will in his heart. He forecasted a way of making money. Peter`s answer was that this money was his perdition because God`s gift no one buys. God is never corruptive. He is the owner of gold and silver. He is the owner of everything. There`s nothing coming from God we can exchange with Him. The ministry needs and asks for offerings. Jesus authorized that and also asked for. But money never buys anything from God. Otherwise rich people would be the happiest people in the world. The blessing isn`t bought with money and that`s why God`s gift is for everyone mainly for those who have nothing. Simon`s intention of buying everything God had was malignant. What comes from God is acquired by faith, by obedience of God`s voice. Simon was faithful, but he needed to understand God`s issues. You need that understanding and give in to God. You need to receive the Holy Spirit by the salvation of your soul. Everything we do in this ministry is focused on the salvation of your soul. It`s necessary for you to be closer to God. Living with God means living without fears. It means to be happy and have peace. At the end of your life, it`s to receive the everlasting life in the salvation of your soul.
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