Be pleasant and welcoming
As Christ’s imitators, we have to be nice and altruistic
By: Bishop Jorge Pinheiro
Article by: Victor Correa

It’s good when we deal with nice people. Altruism is the love with no wish of returns, it’s philanthropy, the helping others. Romans 15:1 We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Even the miracles that we see happen through the strength of our faith. We are different from the people who are out of the church and we know what to do with no despair because we know the Word and the truth. Many people when they get to know the truth and conquer the experience in God become impatient with the weak ones in faith. That’s the reason why many gospel people are regarded as “obnoxious”. They judge, criticize and sentence the ones who don’t have the same faith. The world is ignorant and weak because, unfortunately, they live in the darkness and are misdirected. We live in the light and we have to be patient at those who are weak in faith. Our flesh wants to be pleasant, but we have to please others as well. You can’t just please yourself. We can’t be selfish. The altruist person is the one who helps and do well for others with no focus on rewards. You have to be good and not to wait for any returns. That’s the true love. Christ’s love is this way. He knows many people don’t share His love, nonetheless He died because of all of us. Doing well for others with no wish of returns is the biggest love of all. Helping others pleases God as well as the people around you. It’s our duty. It’s Paul’s advice. We have to be pleasant at others without being impolite and causing misunderstandings. We are Christians, the salt of the Earth. We don’t have to be like evil’s child. The ones against the other ones. We have to be pleasant in order to make the others feel themselves well too. Don’t be demanding, boring person. We have to make the world flourish.
I have learned through the Word that we have to please everyone. We have to think it over. I teach you through the Word and it depends on living well for its building. So you will have a longer life. You have to get along well with everyone, this way no one will complain because you do well consequently you belong to God. The best way to bring someone closer to Jesus is your good testimony.
If Jesus had pushed someone, it would have been a reason for us to do the same, but Jesus never failed. Quite the opposite, instead of judging who failed, He asked God to forgive everyone for not being aware of what they were doing. Today, the world is worse and worse due to the lack of love and people are getting segregated avoiding looking around to help others. It’s everyone for himself. In order to be hopeful, you have to be patient. God welcomed all of us, thus we have to do the same and welcome everyone too. If you are a Christ’s imitator, your own life and testimony will show that. It won’t be necessary to talk about Jesus. Then, a lot of lives will be rescued through the way you are.
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