You need to desire God`s help
The faith is how you show the Lord your desire
By: Apostolo Valdemiro Santiago
Article by: Victor Correa

Jesus had to heal the injuries, deliver the possessed ones, and talk about the Kingdom of God. The biggest tetrarch authority from that region had a mission, and because of dangers, received a lot of advice. The nation was tetrarch because it shared its power with four people. In Luke 13.31, someone told Him to leave because Herod would kill Him.
Jesus calls Herod as fox because fox eats an animal before it dies. There are human beings with the same feeling as fox. Today, we still have many fox around us, but none of them may deprive me from announcing the Kingdom and proclaim the glory of my God.
On His way, Jesus asked those who brought bad news for telling Herod, if he were supposed to kill Him, to do it in Jerusalem. The Lord could make anyone to bow down before Him. It mentions that the intention was to gather people, but it wasn`t their wish and He respected and loved them. The free will makes our wish above God`s wish. God`s favor is for those who want. Jesus proved that and said He wanted to protect us. If the world is against you, but you declare to the Lord you want, He puts in your life whatever you want because you want and sought Him. He, being omnipotent, could do the same, impose His wish, but He is so extraordinary that he allows us to wish. Because of this permission, Jesus feels sorrow. So many times He wanted to help us, but we didn`t want. Now and then, people receive opportunities to be under His wings, even those who do evil things against the work of the Lord. Be aware that it`s not the wish of God that will change your life, but your wish. That`s what be a winner means, it`s to accept all of the good things God wishes us; it`s to eat what He provides us. Be under the Almighty`s wings. Eventually, it will happen situations that may make you sad, but even so, glorify and praise the Lord because everything happens for the honor and glory of His name. Lord wants us to thrive, to be an example in this world of infidels In order to do so, you have to want and ask for, be faithful to Him. Tithes and offerings are the way to show God we keep still and He is above any money. This wish is not a simple desire, it`s to do what it`s necessary in order to make Gold does His job in your life. We have so many opportunities in our lives that we don`t care and let them go. The blessing goes after each one of us, but the one who is a hurry, loses it because doesn`t wait for it to come, thus the blessing doesn`t reach the person. When Jesus healed, He used to ask people what they wanted Him to do. The same happens to us, You have to tell Jesus what exactly you want Him to do for you and He will provide you. You have to want, wish, say to God, serving Him from the heart. If you go after what you want every day, God will put in your life. This wish also has another name: it`s faith. Never say you can`t. God doesn`t want you to be able because He is able. Do you want to thrive? So, separate what belongs to God, the ten percent, give and show your faithfulness. When the Lord says something, believe in it. Believe in the word and be faithful because if you want, God can.
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