Live for the faith

Nothing and no one may cancel the prophecy of God in your life


By: Apostle Valdemiro Santiago

Article by: Victor Correa

Live for the faith
PHOTO: Eduardo Pinto

Jesus said in the world, we will have afflictions, but we have to have good mood because He won the world and His victories belong to us too. If He had been defeated, not resurrected, there wouldn`t have had hope to us. What we seek today, it was already paid by Him. The Word says that the righteous will live by faith

At the centurion meeting, Jesus admitted that had never found faith like his. There are many churches and God`s people who are faithful, but faith like this ministry, it`s very difficult. Faith tells us many histories and the Bible provides us with good examples

In Exodus 1.15, we have the history of a woman who received the message that the pharaoh asked to kill her son and all of the boys who would be born among Jewish people. There was a prophecy, which a man would be born and who would deliver the Hebrews from pharaoh`s hands. It`s interesting that even being evil and God`s adversary, the pharaoh was concerned about God`s prophecies and Words; he believed in them Sometimes we are treated badly and we receive bailiffs, but they know that what we have with us is real; they chase us because God allows them because if God decides to put an end to it, He does. He controls everything and He isn`t controlled by anyone. God`s adversaries know about it very well that you are different and what you have with you is different too. The pharaoh haughtily tried to cancel that prophecy killing all of babies. Many people also think they can cancel a prophecy, but no one can. When it comes from God, He changes the whole world to make it happen if it`s necessary. When God tells you something, He will make it happen, even if people try to interfere in it or do something against your life, your projects, but all of that will be worthless Midwives were afraid of God and didn`t obey him; they didn`t kill any babies. God blessed them; on the other hand, the pharaoh found that out and called them to know their reasons and they told him Hebrew women were much stronger than the Egyptians and mother delivered before the arrival of midwives. So, the pharaoh said that every boys, when they were born, should be launched in the river Nile, which is full of crocodiles, hippopotamus, and other risks In pharaoh`s thoughts, no one would survive in the river Nile much less a baby. Mothers got desperate and among those mothers, there was one whose faith made her think in a different way. God doesn`t differ persons, but He searches for faith. Everyone may be faithful, and it`s your faith that will provide you with what you want and project. Just those, who have the faith that God searches, will win. Many mothers delivered babies, but it was Moses` mother who saw her son differently and was faithful enough to rely on God to hide her son. Sometimes, risks come to us and we become like helpless babies. If an adult didn`t have a chance to survive in the river Nile, figure out a baby. God defends those, who are deprived of resources in such a wonderful way that people get astounded at that. Of course, Moses’ mother became worried, but no enemy may face God. Risks are many sometimes. They might be huge and make us portalt about our resources Pharaoh`s daughter found the baby, asked for a Hebrew wet nurse to look after him and the baby`s own mother was found. She had lost her son for short time, down river, without knowing that the pharaoh`s daughter bathed in that river and she offered herself to breastfeed the baby. She received him to be raised by her and would received a salary for that This mother had lost her child when she put him in the river, and no one has any reason to doubt about God`s providence. She was called and received a job to raise her own child. That`s the way God`s power works. This mother never dreamed of that, she just put the baby in a basket and hoped in God to help him. The providence she left in the Lord`s hands and the Bible says that His Ways are not like ours If we did the way the psalm 37 teaches us delivering our ways to the Lord and rely on Him, our lives would be much better. We don`t know our way, risks, and difficulties but when they appear, but God knows and sees everything. Delivering our way to the Lord means to wait in Him being aware that no one might be opposed to Him. In case someone appears, this person will be defeated. In Isaiah, there`s an exclamation on people understanding and respecting God. Living by the faith doesn`t mean seeing the exit, but seeing in the darkness; it`s to be confident about what you need and want before happening. If you rely on God, the adversities will provide us with enrichment and edification of our lives. Living this way is what God expects from us. If you are in the edge for any reason, be sure that the more difficult the situation is, the closer you are to your victories. God just want you to trust in what He promised you because might cancel God`s prophecy in your life. Before something really great happens, there will always be troubles. If you succeed in waiting in Him, trusting in Him, celebrating before happening, then you will see the glory of God and you will have quality of life Just one thing is totally certain to me: God will fulfill His promise in your life. If you live by faith, God will work in your life and everyone will realize it. Prophecy is the true genuine Word of God and we are fruits from this prophecy. Through that Word, we are sure He is with us and performs extraordinary conditions in our lives





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"Unto thee lift I up mine eyes, O thou that dwellest in the heavens."

(Psalm 123.1)
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