He carried our pains
Jesus suffered for all of generations, for us to be saved
By: Apostle Valdemiro Santiago
Article by: Victor Correa
The ones who have already seen dry land are aware how ugly it becomes, with its roots appearing and vapor coming up, plants and trees withered and the landscape, which was once beautiful becomes ugly due to the drought. God wanted to save the humanity and submitted the humanity to this suffering, this humiliation. He would put an end to the humanity, but He made us with so much love, He projected us to be his masterpiece, the most important one.
In order to rescue us, God gave His own son on behalf of us, to die. In Isaiah 53, we see Jesus was horrible, due to all of the filthy humanity over Him, in a view of seven hundred fifty years before Jesus being born. The Bible says that the past, present, and future time mean all present time to God. What it will happen, what it is, and what it happened are like one thing to God. He knows everything.
The prophet saw that ugly man, that terrible creature, and He was the most beautiful creature, which had ever appeared before, He was Jesus. He suffered in order to provide us with the opportunity of living an everlasting life. He underwent that condition to give us authority and the way to the Kingdom of God. Jacob traded primogeniture for a dish of lentil for not knowing its value, as well as many of us trade faith without knowing its value. Keep everything you have in order not to lose your crown. When Jesus ascended to heaven, every now and then He appeared to some and many fainted. Before that time, there were moments when angels and archangels who were the lord`s servants, used to cause splendor to those who saw them, figure out Jesus when He came to the island of Patmos, or when Paul met Jesus and His light made him blind, or even in the furnace of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego who were thrown into, among them there were the one who delivered them and was similar to gods `son. Even so, Jesus became very ugly for us, He got all of our impairments, He had all of the evil conditions, pains, diseases of humanity from all generations over Him. Only Jesus may change your life. Everything you dream of, project, wish, is in the Lord and it is there for those who believe in the preached Word of God Think of a cruel desert because Jesus was in a place like that when He was teased by devil. No one has evefr lived afflictions like Jesus had. He was alone in that place with no friends, any one, completely alone. Many people open the gospel in the psalm 91 because it was that devil used incomplete parts of it to tease the Lord. If you find a preacher who uses incomplete parts of God`s Word, be sure it doesn`t belong to God, but to devil. Deserts bring faith and hope at the same time as concerns because they teach us to love and worship God. In the desert, it is difficult to see friends. Jesus underwent anguish, which overcomes the arguments of many when they say when we are sad, anguished, it`s due to devil. It`s fake. Jesus wasn`t possessed. He became sad and anguished, He was teased, resisted, and later angels fed Him. The narrow exists, desert exists, but if you resist satan during this hardship, you may celebrate it feasting soon afterwards. As God paid the price for our victory, this price was expensive. Never deceive yourself with religions, just remember that the most beautiful being turned into the ugliest one for you to become beautiful. Como Deus, He became bad for you to be well, He was ignored for you to be accepted by God. He, being the owner of everything, humiliated Himself becoming a man for a man to have access to God.. While we judge ourselves, everyday God gives His hands to His rebellious and contrary children. Jesus gave up His glory different from human beings who resist doing so. No one is like Jesus. Devils felt disturbed in the presence of Jesus to such an extent that they asked in the name of God, almost praying, for Jesus not to disturb them. For you to disturb devils and demons, be with Jesus Jesus was overpassed for us indeed due to our pains. Never wait for Jesus to come back to suffer again because He will come back with glory and power and will come as the judge. He said He came to save and not to judge, but later He would come for that. Compare yourself to a thief who is heartless and never warn when he will act in order to catch in surprise the victim and take everything he wants. Jesus who came in the past was merciful and compassionate, but in His second return, He won`t be merciful and it will be in surprise. Today, you have time to get down on your knees and cry out for His merci because later, it will be worthless.
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