Submit yourself to God and love Him deep in your heart
The beginning and the middle may be difficult, but the end with God is the way you expect it to be.
By: Apostle Valdemiro Santiago
Everything God wants is for us to submit ourselves to Him. The people of God is the people who dreams the most. Some of God`s men dreamed too much. Jacob is one of them, who in the middle of the desert, with no comfort, dreamed of stairway to Heaven. When someone drams high, some huge things happen to our lives.
Joseph was Jacob`s son and was like his father. Everyone has the right of dreaming, even a butler, a bricklayer, a baker, a pharaoh dreamed. Joseph`s brother didn`t dream because they were concerned about others’ dreams. If you are disturbed and envy other people, you will never dream.
God`s people dreamed, but captive, they went to Babylon. The shame, anguish, feeling of abandon, and humiliation is difficult. In Jeremiah 29: 4, that nation was in the edge. God talks to captive and exiled ones in this excerpt. God talks to drug users, criminals, to whom wants to hear Him. He talks to everyone. God told the captive ones to build their houses. When making this promise, God wasn`t talking them as captive ones anymore. He told them to plant and eat its fruit. They were slaves in a strange city and God told them to multiply and pray for peace as well. If you and I pray for the country that we live in for it to thrive, God will change the situation. God`s recommendation is that the prophets do not cheat on you because it`s like cry and pain in our souls and it`s not an easy condition to go through. Charging God, blaming God, cursing God because of a piece of a bad road, it will just sentence you. Never follow prophets that tell you what you want to hear from them because you will go through hard times indeed. The path is really hard, church, but the end is the way you wish. The beginning disturbs, the middle doesn`t show that the end is good, the other way round, there are moments that the middle is worse than the beginning, but the end is God who tells you. He has peaceful thoughts. When He says that the righteous will live by his faith, it`s because the beginning and the middle won`t be very good, but if you submit yourself to God, without murmuring, without giving up, keeping your path, church, I may tell you that: It will end up the way you wish. The secret is never give up, never lower your head, never hear fake prophets, and always hear what God says. We need to submit ourselves to God, to depend on Him, believe in Him; trust Him deep from our heart. He knows our path, our lives, and no one else. We don`t know our path forward, in the future, but He does. That`s why the message advise us to deliver our path to the Lord, be confident in Him and He will do everything. It`s difficult to seek deep from our heart because it becomes split. If you murmur, charge, and ask for Him, you will never seek Him deep from your heart. Your thought may be in God. If the road is too narrow, instead of asking Him for something, simply thank Him, exalt, glorify, and devote your life. Never share your heart. Seeking deep from your heart means to have no apparent purpose to do so, but to glorify, love, worship God. You have to come and seek God by love and not just to ask Him for something. That means, sharing your heart. For instance, Jesus never thought about Lazarus or if he had died, He simply glorified, worshipped, and thanked God. Seek the Lord without thinking about your problems. The day you pray directly, only seeking God, you will change the world, which is upside down. Being aware of the difficulties you may find on your path, God asks you for recognizing Him all along your path and He will set everything in your favor. Jesus underwent the most difficult parts of his path. Today, He has the Name that is over any other name You have to take a position of a son, a daughter, children, they don`t just try, but they come and cherish their parents to talk, to play, to be together. Be like that with God because there isn`t a better way than loving and submitting to God.
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