Keep asking for God`s help
If the lawless judge answered the widow, figure out God to us
By: Apostle Valdemiro Santiago
Many times, Jesus said that praying is a duty, an obligation, a commitment. Always pray without stopping. We are undergoing a period of nonstop praying. What attracts me the most in the parable of Jesus Christ written in Luke 18: 1 is the degree of difficulty that Jesus created for this parable. You and I have to pray without giving up, even if it`s tough condition. Someone who never fear the Lord doesn`t have good future either. The judge of the parable never feared God and never respected any man. Usually, the one who doesn`t fear God doesn`t respect men because we see God in people, we were made in His image. The image is physical trace and alike, biblically speaking, it`s when we like and do the same things. In Job`s book, it`s said that he was so faithful that there was no other like him on earth. The likeness is behavior, character, and fidelity. When God made a man, he had the character of the Lord; it vanished as time went by. That`s why we have the saying that one person is born from God. When a baby is conceived, it inherits imperatively its parents` DNA, physical characteristics of those who conceived it. The expression of being born from God means to remove evil thoughts and feelings and absorb everything from God: love, faith, and loyalty, among others That`s why the Word says that those who were born of God overcome the world. If you were born from God, God`s essence is in you because you have His DNA and God never loses any battle. Thus the person with His DNA never loses any battle either.
God doesn`t preach religion, but God`s religion is pure and without macula when we visit orphans and widows during their troubled moments. Pray up to a point when you receive. That widow needed help from that judge, but even so, she was ignored at first.
This man was snob, arrogant, vain, never respected anyone. The widow looked for that judge, and he told her to stop disturbing. The most interesting point about parables is that they are not facts; they are stories to tell which would happen to us if we continue behaving that way. That judge was so evil at people; I believe he should live in a jungle. But, that widow insisted and got the judge`s attention. Jesus made a comparison saying that God will perform the justice to His chosen ones, even if it seems long to judge them. Different from that judge, God is really good. Every one of us was chosen carefully. A worthless person, ignored by the society, could convince a snob, arrogant, vain person. Figure out when we have to convince God who has pleasure in helping us. Jesus said that we couldn't give up, we have to keep strong and never give in, keep praying. The time to receive will come. The One we depend on, is pleasant at helping us, but according to His timetable.
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