Make God Go With You
You have to declare that you fully depend on God
By: Obispo Luciano Neves
I Samuel 18:14 says: “In everything, he did he had great success because the Lord was with him.” David was the man whom the Bible refers to. He is known for being the man according to God`s heart. However, he was a man like us because he sinned and had anguishing moments. Everything David used to do, it worked out. Wherever he put his hands, it thrived. He succeeded in all conditions, but we need to understand that he didn`t have superpowers or God liked him better than we because we can be close to the Father. We can be known as “Maria according to God`s heart” or “Joseph according to God`s heart.”
If you ask yourself for instance, why don`t things ever work out for me? Why don`t things ever flow? The answer is very simple, my dear, you have to declare that you are fully dependent on God. Invite the Lord to go for a walk together with you, ask Him what you have to do, put your difficulties and your dreams in His hands. Everything will flourish in your life after doing that.
God`s. He was the One who fought on behalf of David; He used to go on the front line to clean up the path, He was the One who made everything prosper, and that`s the way it is in your life. Fully put your life in God`s hands and He will do everything for you. Our attitudes show whether we truly depend on Christ. What have you shown through your attitudes? Have you shown that you need God to live or you need escapes to get rid of crisis or problems? God sees your heart every moment. Rely on God because when we are with Him we become more than winners. God`s nature is to win. He never lost and never will. Never mind when the world tries saying you are nothing, or you are a defeated one because the King of the kings said that you are a winner. He said He is with you in this battle, so never give up. He is with you every moment. The difference is not in the person, but with the person. I`ve chosen God to be with me all the time, what about you? The secret is to make God be with you. Invite Him to look after your life, let everything in His hands, this way, your victory will surely come
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