Keep Yourself In Prayers With God
Everything we need comes from God. Seek God and keep in prayers
By: Apostle Valdemiro Santiago
In 2 Chronicles 7.1, we can read that God made an alliance with Salomon, which was Salomon initiative when praying. Prayers move God`s hands and touch the Lord`s heart. Prayer has nothing to do with religion, signs of churches, ethnic groups, resources, or knowledge. The prayer that touches God`s heart is that one from your heart. When you pray in the name of Jesus, things happen. Everything Salomon tried to do at home, he succeeded. Few people in the world wouldn`t like to thrive in life if there is any. Thriving doesn`t mean making a lot of money. There are many rich people who are depressed, down. Wealth is part of prosperity. Salomon was well succeeded in everything he tried doing. Every human being has necessities. We were made to depend on God for a purpose. We just fulfill our need in prayers to God through Jesus Christ. You, who keep praying, God will provide you with what you want under His time, and I don`t have any doubts about that.
God doesn`t show Himself to us physically, He shows Himself just through answers, the peace that we search for, safety, love that we need. Church, God says your prayer was already heard. He already came to you. In Hebrew 1, it is said that God appears in many ways and short time ago, He talked to us through Jesus Christ
What motivates us to pray is to know that God hears our prayers. God likes prayers very much and those who humiliate themselves before Him. It`s impossible to humiliate ourselves before God without praying, and the prayer must come from the heart, from the soul, confessing the magnitude of God and our smallness. When we humiliate ourselves, God performs miracles. The world we live in is sick. Not only Brazil but also all around the world is sick. Just God is able to arrange, to fix everything, however, He just does so when we humiliate ourselves before Him; when we recognize that we need Him; and that just He is able to solve our problem. Seeking God means to walk towards Him, to make a sacrifice, to go to the church, to go to the mount, to seek the Lord. We have to seek the Lord and fix ourselves, to find what is wrong with us, and arrange ourselves with God. The solution for your life depends just on you. If you pray, clamor, God will work in your life. When you keep silent, give in, depend on doctors and on others, you have to find the solution yourself. When you get down on your knees, you show your dependence on Him and you see the glory of God in your life. Wherever you are, pray for God. It`s not necessary to get down on your knees like many people believe because there are situations that it`s impossible to get down on your knees, but cry out in the name of Jesus and He will answer you. Thank God we depend on Him. Pray in the name of Jesus. God will keep His ears attentive and His eyes opened if you pray and understand that just He is able to provide you with everything you need.
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