Your Clamor Changes Everything

Anyone, who makes the gallows for you to be hung, will be hung on it


By: Apostle Valdemiro Santiago

Your Clamor Changes Everything
PHOTO: Eduardo Pinto

The book of Esther tells us that Haman had a devil who made him hate God`s people. He provoked great fights and battles. Who among us never fought or battled? All of us have fought, and some of them seemed impossible, irreversible. On our path, we face obstacles, which seem unlikely for us to overcome, and our thought, our understanding never sees the exit. I`ve had many of them on my way. But the Bible teaches us that even the most demanding, impossible, improbable cases have a solution, and it`s not difficult for God to solve them at all. You will never be defeated even if your biggest enemy is the most powerful one in the world because God doesn`t want you to be overcome. Haman was a kind of First Minister of the House. He was the most powerful man below the king. The king stopped demanding and put the ring on his finger making him more powerful than the king. He led from India to Africa passing by Ethiopia, one hundred twenty-seven provinces. Among those men, there was a simple one called Mordecai, who used to stay at the kingdom`s door and seemed to be the fool of the court, but furthermore, he was a man of fast and prayer. He kept sat down, dressed with bags like a fool for many of them. There is no way to defeat a man made of fast and prayers on Earth. Haman decided that every Jewish people should die. He persuaded the king Ahasuerus that they should die because they had different customs than the king`s. Haman didn`t know that the One Who protects God`s people is God Himself. Mordecai knew that the king and others from the court were against him, but at the first opportunity, he saved the king and told his niece who was the king`s wife about the attack. The king escaped and hung the two enemies. It was registered in the book of great feats. The same as it happened at that time in Israel, it took place with us. The laws were fool, harmful, and evil against God`s people`s lives, which mustn`t take part in our life, much less being tolerated otherwise they will scratch our communion with God. Differences? We like them, but they don`t. We seek God, but they don`t. An example of that is the law of the silence that allows Carnival, nightclubs, fans of football teams to make loud sound and noise late at night, but the church is not allowed to make any noise. In Paraná, in Curitiba, we can`t start the service before ten in the morning due to the sound it makes. Haman was so powerful that he required a gallows to be just for Mordecai, but Mordecai didn`t have “anyone” for him. It`s between inverted commas because God was with him. The king decreed, under the influence of Haman, Jewish people`s death. Mordecai lived by the throne so that he would be the first. When Mordecai got to know about it, he humiliated himself before God. He cried out, he raised his outcry in the town, dressed in bags and ashes, upset. We raise our outcry when we are at the edge of our strength. I`ve never seen a real prayer not being heard. The answer might take a little longer to come, but clamor is always heard, and it`s answered right away. After the clamor, Mordecai returned to the king`s door, the most dangerous place for him because the one who believes never run away. He knew his outcry got to God. At that night, the king couldn`t sleep because when you cry out and someone plans against your life, this person never sleeps. Disturbed, the king read the book of great feats and found out that Mordecai saved his life against two eunuch guards. Haman could wear the ring of the king, but it never stamped, only God`s rings can do it. God`s ring stamps our victory.

There are moments in our lives that prayer might not provide us with a solution, so it`s necessary to cry out in the name of Jesus. Crying out is another kind of prayer. Cry out in Jesus` name to have miracles to tell because this way it reaches God`s throne. Mordecai cried out without being concerned about what God would do and what measures He would take to release those people, he simply waited in the Lord.

If you cry out when they attempt against your life, your enemy won`t have time to set any trap for you. As soon as the king read what Mordecai did for him, he acted in favor of Mordecai. What Haman prepared for Mordecai, he underwent because anyone who makes gallows against the people of God will use himself. God wrote our history. The Psalmist, in psalm 139 said God looked at him while he was in the belly of his mother and in his faith, he declared that every day of his life was written in God`s book an determined. That`s God`s man`s faith Haman hung himself in the gallows, this way; he followed the orders and honored Mordecai. The same gallows that was built to kill Mordecai was used to hang Haman, its builder. Pray, cry out, and believe because it doesn`t matter who attempt against your life, this person tries against God, the Lord of the Army. In the end, the Jewish people received the right of fighting and winning. They dominated that land. These people are you and I not those who were born in Israel. We are Mordecai from today, and our enemies have to strengthen the rope of the gallows because I will cry out for God and I suggest you to do the same.





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