Place Your Faith Just In God
The only way for you to solve this condition is to ask for the Lord`s help
By: Pastor Hiago Pereira
Today, God wants to teach the way you should behave before the problem, Chronic II chapter 16 and verse 12 says: “And in the thirty-ninth year of his reign, Asa became diseased in his feet, and his malady was severe; yet in his disease he did not seek the Lord, but the physicians.” The problem is not the problem. The problem is the way that you react before it, do you understand? The King Asa knew the living God; he knew He was the Almighty and that disease would be fleeting, but he preferred to trust doctors, he decided to quit the Lord, and became an unbeliever and decided to place his faith in doctors. I'm not telling you to drop your doctor, but your faith should be in the Lord because He is the One who created Heaven and Earth; He is the one who can turn the impossible into possible. You need to react positively in relation to the problem do you know why? God is with you all the time, and He can do all things, my brother. You can't give credits to a man because as you are limited to a few things, he's also. Place your faith just in the Lord, believe wholeheartedly in the God of the impossible condition because the only way to resolve this situation is to ask for the Lord`s help. There's no point in saying Amen and glory for God at the church, and in hard times you search for people, you need to truly live the word of God, live by faith, believe that at the right time God will change this situation.
There's no point in saying Amen and glory for God at the church, and in hard times you search for people, you need to truly live the word of God, live by faith, believe that at the right time God will change this situation.
Never become an easy target for the devil, cover your ears my brother, divert him, don't give him credit for what he's talking about because he's tricky, he's here to kill, steal and destroy, so do not give time for him, and focus only on the voice of the Kings of kings. God can take you to great places, He can change your life, but in order to do so you need to follow two things: place your hope in the Lord, and the other one is to have the will to win. So that your life is transformed you need to put your faith in God and have the desire to grow because He visits your heart and He knows your intimacy.
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