Be concerned about the spiritual life
Live well and do good
By: Bishop Amaury de Farias
We were born to be tested, that`s not our world much less our life. We have to live, but our environment is the Kingdom of Heaven. It`s different from what people say, life is everlasting and this moment we live is temporary. Never summarize your life based on this moment on Earth If in this life we are considered winners, the Holy Scripture says that to every winner all salvation gifts, award, and promise. Jesus will grant to sit with Him on His throne, as He also overcame and sat down with His Father on His throne. It is said in Revelation 3.21. To those who overcome there is a throne ready to be sat down. However, the question is: who is the winner?
Don't get confused, a successful life on Earth, rich, prosperous, true success, stardom, which leaves a legacy, is only one life on Earth and these points do not define anyone as a winner because it is temporary, the next life is eternal life.
There`s no use to be the winner of a temporary life, if the main life will come after that and will not end, it is eternal. Many people mess up lives the same way they mess up trees and branches. Do not mix up a person of faith and a person of God. How many faithful men did God reprove? A faithful man is one thing; a man of God is another thing. The victory in this temporary life doesn`t mean the person who had a victory will receive the spiritual victory. The victory in spiritual life is to carry your cross to the end of your life, to keep what it is the most important thing, your heart, to remain righteous to the end of your temporary life. A full person is an honest person, faithful to the values and concepts and profession of faith. There is no one perfect and God is not looking for perfect people. What you need to keep is your integrity, never deviate to the right nor to the left, but be firm in your way, in your vision. This is the winner who will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Before being a person of faith, you must be a person of God. There`s no use to conquer the world and lose your soul. As Apostle Paul asked, while being used by God, what can we give in exchange for our soul? The overwhelming majority of people live in a hurry, either to meet schedules or to be home, as a disease, chasing so many things, but they forget to chase the most important one, which is the eternal life.
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