God is Faithful
Even if everything changes, God never draws back neither regrets nor calls off His promises
By: Bishop Amaury de Farias
Human being might make mistakes, lie, regret, but not God. In order to run away from some circumstances human being lies and cheats. Peter himself lied when he was asked whether he was with Jesus three times, and he denied knowing the Lord When Abraham got into the land of Philistines he lied saying that Sarah was his sister. The king of Egyptians thought Sarah was very beautiful, but Abraham was afraid of dying and for not losing his wife said she was his sister. David was arrested before the kings, taken to the guillotine. But he realized people were in doubt about his identity after being surrendered in the war. Aware of being found, David was afraid and he pretended to be fool The human being gets such an incredible condition to be free from hardship, to generate doubt. Human being recedes, but not God. The Lord never regrets or lies. When you promise someone something you have to fulfill it. Or do the way I do, in other words, never promise anything. If it`s possible, fulfill it because the Bible says you have to fulfill your vows. While a man undergoes hard times, he promises many things, but when his condition is a very comfortable one, he breaks his vows, but God isn`t that way. When we have an alliance with God, His promises are always fulfilled even if fire comes down from the sky, or if it rains cats and dogs, but what God promises it takes place.
If you make an agreement with conditions, and you don`t fulfill it, you won`t receive what you added in the agreement. But, if you promise someone something, even if the time goes by, or if you change your opinion, which you have the right to, but you don`t have the right to draw back and forget about the promise.
If you say you don`t want to have an alliance with God, He won`t oblige you. While you keep an alliance with Him, no one is able to break it; just you are able to do so. Elisha died and was buried, another body was thrown in the same place, and when the other corpse touched Elisha`s, the man revived and left running. God`s anointment in Elisha`s corpse revived that man. God`s promise as well as His alliance with Elisha were with his bones. That`s the way it is when God has an alliance with us. In relation to David, God told him his descendants would never beg the bread. Rehoboam, grandson of David took over the throne and did all wrong, he got messed up with everything. He was negligent, fool, caused damages to Israel,
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