The reintegration of man in Paradise
Walk through words not through sight
By: Bishop Amaury de Farias
The reintegration of the human being is a matter of possession that begins in the Garden of Eden when the serpent convinces the human being to error and indirectly kicked them out of that place. The serpent was used and the man left to be taken by the subtle traps of Satan. Who has ever seen a trap knows that none of them makes noise, nor it is obvious or visible. All traps transpire naturalness. It is placed in the middle of the way where you want to capture prey with camouflage so that the hunter who sets the trap needs to tag the place not to fall himself in it. It will always be involved in leaves or branches, in something that doesn't call attention, because if the prey view something different from the environment in which it finds itself, it won't get closer, it'll see that there's something wrong. The simple smell is enough to drive it away. Spirit trap is no different; the modus operandi is the same. The trap of Satan is exactly the same, silent giving the person the idea of something that sounds like a good deal. And how can we realize the trap of Satan? Visually, there's no way to understand the spiritual trap. There's only one way to realize it: when something which is proposed differs from God's will. If it differs, it's a trap. It will be camouflaged as a good thing, but waiting for someone to fall in it, and when he falls, everybody knows. You hear screaming, despair, weeping, gnashing of teeth, pain, anguish, torments. If you pay attention, Adam and Eve were in place where God always wished they were. God created man to have life with abundance, but today, most people suffer, cry, and scream because they fell into traps.
Grief, pain, brawls, wounds without cause, red eyes, swollen eyes, bruised, beaten are the result for those who fall into traps. So, not through sight, walk through the word.
Many times we don`t do what we think it should be done according to the Bible. If you do that, you will not fall into traps, because illusions and appearances can be deceiving in human beings` mind, by nature. We will always be in tribulation, alone, in the middle of the storm or darkness if you don't let the Holy Spirit operate in your life, so you will fall into traps. Walk straight through the word, by the guidance of God and you never fall into traps. The serpent was considered the most cunning of the animals. It`s able to be persuasive and trap, as I said, might not look evil. God said not to touch the fruit of the tree, but the tree was pleasing to the eye and good to eat. Everything is set up that is harmful, is pleasing to the eye. The regrets are for those who do not walk according to the word of God, which does not come under the instruments, but through the eyes, that doesn't listen to advice. Fly by his own head and suffer damage, break his face, moan and die. Our GPS, our radar, our North, is God. Often, we won`t please many people walking by the instruments and not the eyes. This is the right way, we go by the word of God. If you walk under the guidance of God, you will win. Adam and Eve lost possession of paradise for walking by sight. If you want ownership of the spiritual life, you need to walk according to the will and God's direction. Your spiritual life will be reinstated to paradise.
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