Keep your focus on God
Only Jesus is with you in every condition
By: Bishop Amaury de Farias
When we feel well, everything is easy. You who have already been surrounded by friends and happiness, can`t expect people to wish you always the best or better yet, they will quit what they do in order to help you. Of course, there are people who wish you good things, but to be good indeed only Jesus In our society, clothes are enough reason for people to change their attitudes towards you. On the contrary, when you get dressed in a simple way, few people pay attention to you, if you receive attention, soon you receive rejection. But go to the same store with a cute social suit or dress and you'll see that the service is much different. People say that bread of poor ones, when it slides, falls with the butter face downwards. Even so, it`s funny, because the most honest ones pay the highest tax burden, but when they need to be received by someone, they are the worst treated or with disdain, by appearances and is more poorly received than those who present themselves as if they were in good condition Many people have been wrapped up by the ones in beautiful clothes, a good speech, a car that is not even theirs and convince them to sign checks, contracts, borrow items, put their name on business and then leave others in bad condition, because of appearance. The Bible says that job was the most important man of his time, the greatest among the rich and great, at the beginning of humanity, the largest among the largest in the Orient. The book of Job is the oldest in the Bible and was probably written by Moses and report that job was banqueting with his children every day.
The book quotes the possessions of job and all of them are expensive even today, now imagine in a time without paper and without oil, without electricity. Whoever possessed an animal in the past was like owning a vehicle like our trucks, cars and other transportation. Job enjoyed plenty of goods in a time when there was scarcity.
They added to job all the people, both their families and their friends. He was a consulted man. In a time without judges, courts and constitution, who decided who lived and who died was job, says in chapter 29. He judged the causes of known and unknown, respected among his people and beyond. It's natural when you grow up, a lot of people want to add to you; most of them, attracted by their heavenly body, such luminosity of God in their life. It's like you're a big tree where animals can nest. You become a reference by having the light of God in your life. Everyone's watching you because you're a believer. All your actions are judged because you will always be a reference. And the more you grow, the more people will be attracted to you. While some approach naturally, others approach due to interest. That does not mean that you are the focus of all these people who come to be attracted. They never focus on you, but on your life, it happens because your focus is on God. Those people cannot focus on God, because they do not know God, the true God, because they don`t have an experience with Him. But they'll see you, approach you and you'll be a conduit to lead them to the true light, the Almighty. You're an enlightened star; we have to focus on the Shining star, which has its own light, which is just Him. The fact of being enlightened does not make us luminous, but it makes us careful because we are enlightened. So the word of God says that the one who thinks he is standing, to make sure that it does not fall. Although anyone who sees you perceives something good, the person who is well, can never fall for the mistake of thinking he is well on his own, because he is in danger of falling. You're only standing because God put you on your feet. When a person begins to fall and tumbles, when she reaches the ground, those who were by her side go away. It's not for treason, it's because these people have lost their reason for being by your side. No person is obliged to stand by his side, only one stays and his name is Jesus Christ Even the Lord Jesus had many disciples, but when He was about to be crucified, where were the twelve? Peter, the one who said that he would be with the Lord under water and that he would never leave him alone and that, if Jesus died, he would die together, when the officers passed by him, who identified him as a disciple, who pointed to him, denied Jesus three times. Peter was not a traitor. When you fall, you have nothing to offer and the natural human being, not the one driven by faith, conviction and love, has no structure and moves away. You’ll be disappointed because only Jesus Christ is your friend others are natural people. Orpah was Ruth's sister-in-law. They lived on a pilgrimage in strange lands. Naomi's children and her husband died. At that time, a woman without her husband was despised. Naomi tells her daughters-in-law Ruth and Orpah to go away, to live in peace. Naomi says she's old and has nothing to offer her them, and no children. This is the consciousness of a human being who is not deluded by the things of this life. But see what a person has to focus on God! Ruth said one of the most beautiful words recorded in the Word of God and asks that the mother-in-law not ask her to leave, nor insist, because she would be in Orpah, her people would be her people and her God would be her God. She said she'd die where she died and God would do whatever she wanted if she didn't. Of the few we find this disposition, that fidelity. I hope only death will separate us from the love of God, that only death separates couples. It's beautiful to read, it's a pity that, in practice, is not so. Neither the height, nor the depths, nor the anguish, nor the tribulation, the persecution, the hunger the danger, or the sword, nothing in the present or the Hereafter, nor the powers, can separate us from the Lord. It's beautiful to read, but to practice, so few practice. How many of them are detached from the love of God because of friendships, of gossip, of attachment to material things, of daydreams, of quarrels of futility. But when you put focus on Jesus, you have at your side a true and faithful friend and, wherever you are, he will be with you. You will pass for few and good in your life as we all face good and bad times. But in all of them, the Lord will be with us. If your focus is God, wherever you are, God will be with you and bring you deliveries.
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