The love of God is unequaled
No investment will be greater than God’s.
By: Apostle Valdemiro Santiago
John 3:16 says that “For God loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life“ .To perish is to decay, to die with nothing, to be over. The world is perishing, there are no vacancies in hospitals and the doctors can’t take all the patients. Public health is sick. The world is perishing so fast that no one can solve the public health problem ant the tendency is to get worse by the corruption. That saddens God’s heart because He invested so much in us, an investment no one will ever do. God invested heavily in us. He gave us the greatest love, His beloved son. He loved us in a way that no one can do and did what nobody would do for us. The devil hates the gospel because it reveals to the people the love of God. Satan will attack anyone that decides to speak about the love of God. This love exceeds any knowledge, change lives and transforms. The first miracle of Jesus could have been a cure or a resurrection but it would be individual. The miracle of transforming water to wine is an allusion that Jesus can transform everything. If you come to Him, He will change your life.
God invested what He had of best only to see the improvement in our lives, our eternal lives.
If God decided to judge the world, no one would escape and everybody would be condemned. That is why He let His son be killed, disfigured, absorbed all our pain and suffering, then He could establish that we have been justified by faith. The faith in Jesus Christ is what justifies us because He paid the price. We live by Jesus, by His sacrifice. It doesn’t matter if the devil accuses you, because you can say: the blood of Jesus justifies me. God paid such a high price so we could have a second chance and, while unbelievers, we will keep suffering. Jesus has come as the proof of God’s love for humanity. He came to save us with mercy, compassion, and kindness but His second coming will be to judge us. He will come as a thief at night, by surprise, cruel, without forgiveness. He advised us to surrender, prepare ourselves and we wait. Who believes in Jesus is not judged but those who don’t will be condemned. The judgment is about who loved darkness more than light. The love of Christ, the love of God over all things is the parameter. The blood of Christ purifies us and once accepting this sacrifice, your life is changed.
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