Believe in Jesus
All you need to do is to ask God, in the name of Jesus, and everything will happen
By: Apostle Valdemiro Santiago
If there’s a thing Jesus always want is to comfort us. In John 14:1 and on, He eases the disciples by saying they shouldn’t trouble their hearts but believe in Him and in God. That’s not hard to understand, but people tend to overcomplicate things. I don`t have resources to change or save your life, but I know who can do it and His name is Jesus Christ. He taught this to His disciples while they faced difficult times. The moment we need, Jesus is the one who is going to stop the storm, as He did for His disciples. Don’t worry, don’t panic, don’t despair, have faith in God and Jesus. Jesus claimed to have prepared, a long time ago, housing for those who recognize Him as the only Savior. Salvation is acknowledging Jesus Christ for what He really is. The world gets confused when we start thinking of who else could save us bit Jesus. No person, religion or anything else can change your history unless Jesus. Life doesn’t last a few years. In Ecclesiastes, the bible says that God has put an eternity into men’s heart. We are eternal, but not here, on Earth.
Even those ignorant to God’s word, deep down there, inside their hearts they know we’re eternal and as death approaches they panic and doubt their salvation. Eternity is not a guarantee of the kingdom of God, because there is hell too.
Hell is a one-way jailhouse full of misery and pain. We have the key that allows choosing where are we staying for good, whether with God in heaven or with Satan in hell. Jesus, Himself, is humbly preparing a place for us. Can you imagine the life quality there? Beyond our desires and imagination. The richest and most influent person on earth is not even a spark if compared to the poorest one in Heaven. Our place is with Jesus and it’s the best place you will ever know, there’s no place to be compared here in this world. He said we would be wherever He is. When Jesus was talking to the disciples He was there before them as a human, physically, but not only there, because He’s also God. There’s no salvation without Jesus Christ. Nobody can reach out to God without Him. Jesus says that soon He will be back to take us to live with Him. There will be rapture and Jesus is not going to choose you by your physical traits or your social status. He showed the disciples works like no other ever did, but Thomas said He had no knowledge of where Jesus would go. It made Jesus worried and He justified that no one can say that they don`t know God, if everything we know is from Him. Filipe asked to see the Father. When we worry too much, we lost the focus and everything gets blurred in your lives. Those man were used to see and receive miracles, they showed so much confidence. At that moment, Filipe cried out. Be aware, the least you need to believe the more blessed you are going to be. Jesus only requires you to believe and, by that, he’ll do a lot for you. What Jesus wants the most is for you to know Him. The day you get to know him completely, no one will be able to fool you. Because God will bring to your life revelations and there will be no wars when the world knows Him properly. Those who know Jesus wish no harm, forgive the others always, truly love and want to see their brothers well. The thief on the cross saw Jesus unrecognizable, as prophesized years ago by the prophet Isaiah, but, however, he acknowledged that the one beside him was the Son of God. You don’t have to ask God for proofs; you only have to believe Him. Jesus allowed us to prophesize. He gives the power, and the knowledge necessary to those who believe Him, to be able to do things beyond our comprehension. To receive all of this you only need to believe, just it, because everything we ask to the Father, in the name of Jesus, we are going to receive for the honor and glory of God.
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