Determine and give God's approval to work
Take action and let God do the miracle
By: Bishop Amaury de Farias
God is the God of the impossible, but the impossible happens in our lives when we allow God to do this impossible. It all depends on our attitude, our faith. Joshua 10: 12 tells us that Joshua was fighting against the enemies and God said: Face the enemies and put an end to them. The battle went on till the end of the day and the sun went down, there is sword and sickle warfare in the dark. It must be a desperate thing, you do not know where it comes from, where it's going, or where you are. When the sun went down, there could be no more war. Joshua, seeing that the sun was going to go down and the enemies would escape, he would simply turn to the sun and say: sun, stop at Gibeon and you, Moon, in the valley of Ajalom. And the sun and the moon stood still, until Israel took vengeance on their enemies. If the sun stops, the movement of the translation sun together. For the rotation of the earth, for the solar system. It is a tsunami, an earthquake, a cataclysm. The sun can not stop, the universe can not stop. In the fleshly world, no, but he who has faith to the sun, moon, sends the mountains to the sea, rises dead, walks on the waters. When Jesus walked on the water, He made it clear that he lives by faith. He lives by what He believed, claimed to be in this world without being of this world, He claimed to be ruled by the powers of heaven. This is the power of faith. God has given us something called free will, which means, in popular parlance, that you are in charge of your life. God, no matter how much he wanted or wanted, could not rule his life without you authorizing it. It can only work in your life if you give permission.
To give God the approval, you have to remove the stone, do what you have to do. Likewise, it is you who decide under what law you will live, whether under human laws or under the laws of the Kingdom of Heaven. When you remove the stone, God advances and continues the work.
Jesus entered the house of a man named Zacchaeus, who was a person condemned for his deceptions, as many of us have seen through the Jet Lava and other situations of corruption and misappropriation of money. These people are holy before Zacchaeus. Because of this, he was a corrupt man and did not appreciate the good eyes of the Lord and was far from the ways of the heavens. One day he met Jesus, and during dinner he rises and says that he decided that day to give the poor half of his goods and, if he defrauded anyone, he would give back four times more. This attitude was not taken by God, but by him, Zacchaeus. At the moment when he, of himself, takes this attitude that only he and no one else could take, he gives the endorsement and Jesus enters the scene, so, in that moment when Zacchaeus took the stone, Jesus says: "today there was salvation to this house ". None of us can save anyone, who can save is God, but we can all make a decision like the one Zacchaeus took. That is the attitude, the miracle, only God, only Jesus, can do. For each dream, you have to remove another stone. There is stone for everything, for every dream, a stone and, with each stone removed, another step of the continuation of God's will in your life.
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