God found you
If you do not need much to believe, surely He will do much in your life!
By: Apostle Valdemiro Santiago
If you do not need much to believe, surely He will do much in your life! Have you ever stopped to wonder, how big is the importance of God in your life? It's the same answer to the size of God's importance to you. When one puts God first, He moves the world if it is necessary to bless it. We have the life of David to inspire. David was a worthless son, lendable, do you understand? When Samuel went to his house to anoint him, no one imagined that that little boy would be anointed king, not even David himself, the only certainty David had, was that God was the most important thing in his life. David lived by meditating on God.
"The next day Jesus wanted to go to Galilee and found Philip and said to him," Follow me. "Philip was from Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter. Philip found Nathanael and said to him," We have found him whom Moses wrote in the law, and the prophets: Jesus of Nazareth, son of Joseph. " (John 1:43 to 45) Nothing in our life happens by case, Philip believed that he had found Jesus, but the Messiah was the one that found it first.
We can also see that Philip meditated on the laws of the Lord, and so he knew that Jesus was the savior. We also see that Philip wanted so much to find Jesus, that he did not need much to follow, just followed. You know, my dear brother, you may be at the bottom of the well, but if you wish to meet him, if you read and meditate, you can rest assured that he comes to meet you! Philip had in his heart to know God, to find the Savior, and so it was fulfilled. What do you have in your heart, my brother? That which is in God, may be sure that at the right time it will be fulfilled, because it is God's promise that all will be well in our lives! If you do not meditate on the Word of God, it is because, unfortunately, you have no pleasure in it. And know that we are to be blessed (happy) we must follow the laws of the Lord. There are two types of believers, some like Philip, who meditate day and night on the laws of the Lord, and others who walk according to the counsel of the wicked. And here's the question: Which Christian are you? But, never forget everything you have, come from Him! The moment you put God first in your life, all will be well. When you think it's the end, God comes and says it's just the beginning. "Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me?" Jesus answered and said to him, "Before Philip called you, I saw you, while you were under the fig tree." Nathanael answered and said to him, Rabbi, you are the Son Jesus answered and said unto him, Because I said unto thee, I saw thee under the fig tree, thou believest, greater things than these thou shalt see. (John 1:48 to 50) Nathanael, did not need much to recognize the living God. If you do not need much to believe, surely He will do much in your life!
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