Back to the ways of God
He will always be with open arms for our return
By: Apostle Valdemiro Santiago
Parable is a figure, an example, was the way that Jesus found to teach the most laymen. At one point, Jesus said that He would no longer speak in parables, because the Father would speak directly to us, He told the disciples.
In this parable we will speak today, the father represents God, the owner of everything, and the two sons represent us, as children of God.
There in Luke, chapter 15 from verse 11, we find in the Holy Bible the parable of the prodigal son, follow: "And he said, A certain man had two sons: and the younger of them said unto his father, Father, give me part of the property that belongs to me. "And he divided the farm for them." This request that the son made to the father represents our prayers when we ask something difficult or even impossible in our eyes. But we can perceive that the son spoke with a tone of obligation, however, the Father, our heavenly Father has no obligation to give us anything, we who are debtors. That is, we can not pray saying, "Oh Father, the Lord has to give me this and that." No! For it is we who are in debt to the Lord. Know that the greatest miracles that the Holy Bible tells us are people who humbled before God. Rest assured that when you realize that you deserve nothing, you will live the miracles! "And a little while later the youngest son, having gathered all things together, departed into a land far off, and there wasted his substance, and lived dissolutely: and when he had spent all, there was a great famine in that land, and began to suffer need . " (Luke 15:13, 14) When the son departed from his father, the famine came. So it is with my brother, when we turn away from God's way, nothing flows. Recognize that Christ is everything in your life, return to the first love, that yes is the part that fits you! "And the father said unto his servants, Bring forth the best garment, and put it on, and put a ring in his hand, and shoes on his feet: and bring the fatted calf, and slay him, and let us eat, and be glad for this son of mine was dead, and was alive again, and was lost, and was found: and they began to rejoice. (Luke 15:22 to 24) Just as that father was happy, and gave the best clothing for his son, our heavenly Father, he wants to give us eternal life, and he will always be with open arms for our return. Return to the ways of Christ! God bless your day!
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