Desire the Kingdom of God
: The priority of your quest should be the Kingdom of God
By: Bishop Amaury de Farias
There are those who travel with the family to distant places and praise the neighborhood as if it were the best in the world. They just do not notice that the streets, houses, shops, and sometimes even the neighbors look very much like where they live. The house is in the same street of the mother and they remain a month without visiting it. When they greet you it is from afar or with a kiss on the face very fast so as not to be late. But when they lose it, they think, "Well, I should have given my mother more love ... to have done more." People like that usually give value to unimportant things. They learn to do this, unfortunately, only when they lose. Then there is no way. Many focus their quest on what is material. Is it okay to act like this? None. Everyone needs what is material to live. We all need money, prosperity, health. This just should not be our obsession. For example, someone gets a bad diagnosis, finds out they have a serious illness, what should they look for? Cheers? Not! She needs to seek God, health will be a consequence. What should your friend who has many debts look for? Increase, a job with higher salary, loan? Not! He must seek God, prosperity will be a consequence
"Seek ye first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you," Matthew 6:33.
You know someone who has already said this: "Father, if you do not do this, I leave the church." I've seen countless people doing this blackmail. They act like spoiled children and, if they forget, they are servants of the Creator's will, not the other way around. Jesus makes this very clear in Matthew 16: 4 when the Pharisees and Sadducees ask him for a sign. Christ is firm and direct in his response: "An evil and adulterous generation begs for a sign; and no sign shall be given him, but Jonah's. And he forsook them, and departed. " He did not answer them because he knew the content of his heart. The intention of those men was not good, they wanted to tempt him. Gideão, Tomé and Pedro are examples of requests met. The three of them tested and happened as they said, for there was no selfish desire, their hearts were pure. Every heart is seen by God. When you present yourself to Him with a clean heart - not technically perfect because we all err, but with the best of all intentions - I'm sure it will be attended to. God bless your day!
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