The Word was God
Word means word and word comes from the Lord Jesus Christ
By: Apóstolo Valdemiro Santiago
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were done through him, and without him nothing was done that was done, ”John 1: 1-3.
Word means the word and the word comes from the Lord Jesus Christ. Everything that exists has come to be through Him, because of Him and for Him.
These days all people seek their independence, whether financial or not. Wives are seeking independence from their husbands, children want independence from their parents, and so on. The sad thing in all this is that man has sought, and this is not today, his independence from God, the human being insists on living outside the care of the good and eternal Father. But it all depends on Him, because it all came from God. That is why we are dependent on the Lord Jesus, without Him nothing happens in our lives. The miracle you're waiting for comes from God, prosperity comes from God, a restored home comes from God, so everything on this earth is from God and everything was created by Him. People make war for life, everyone wants to defend their life. Somehow improving and war is to defend what is in her life and what will theoretically improve the situations that bother her. But the bible very clearly says, "Life was in him, and life was the light of men," John 1: 4. And life is still His, salvation you find only in the Lord Jesus Christ. If you understand that life is in Christ and seeks Him, then He will surely fill you with life. There are no alternative ways to earn a living but in God. “The light shineth in darkness, and the darkness did not prevail against it,” John 1: 5. God is the light, is the solution to all your problems. No one can walk without Him, for we are not self-sufficient to live without His light illuminating our path. To depend on the Lord Jesus Christ is to believe that He is in control of all things and that He will always give you the best. No doubt God has the best for your life, for your home, only in Him will you find comfort, tranquility. Be faithful to God and He will answer you and always give you the good and the best for your beloved son. May God bless your day!
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