Let Jesus stop for you, live in your life.
By: Apostle Valdemiro Santiago

In John 14:18, Jesus says that he will not leave us orphans. An orphan is a person without parents. When a child has needs, the parents feed them. If the child is in danger, it is the parents who protect them. An unprotected, vulnerable, needy child is a child without parents. Jesus said he would not leave us like this.
You and I live in a world where God's perspective is different. If you see yourself as those who live in the world, you cannot see God. Today, there is almost no difference between Christians and unbelievers, but the difference must be very big.
No one can take from our hearts and minds the certainty that, in any circumstance, Jesus does not leave us alone. He lives and we live too. Whoever does not surrender to Jesus Christ has no life of his own, because He is the source of life. People become different when Jesus manifests himself to them, so it was with me, with my life. You don't have to be from this or that religion, or be influential, or have influential friends. Having lots of friends is good, but if you have no friends and Jesus manifests in you, people will notice you. Jesus wants to be free to manifest himself in his life. He doesn't want a religion for you, God has no religion. The bible says that the religion that God likes is one that helps the poor, orphans and widows. He has blessings for Catholics, Evangelicals of all churches, Muslims, Spiritists, other religious, atheists, but he does not invade his life. When someone for Jesus, he already gets what he wants, but there is a more advanced stage. Jesus is greater than all men. The blind man in Jericho did his best to reach Jesus. Everyone realizes when a person is blind, Jesus, however, knew before seeing the blind. That man had something in his heart that attracted Jesus' attention. It is not because of your clothes or your food, your customs. It is what is inside of you that makes Jesus stop for you. Only Jesus knows what is inside people and what makes Jesus stop is what is inside them. Today, Jesus wants to stop for you, I believe. Jesus stopped for the blind beggar and asked what he wanted. He knew what the blind man wanted and needed, but he waited to listen, out of politeness. Jesus is so wonderful that he stopped in his life, restored his vision, then went on. Jesus' parade gave the blind man exactly what he wanted. Today, Jesus' promise is that if you love Him, He will not stop at your home, in your life, He and the Father will dwell in your life, forever. There are people that we can see that Jesus stopped for them and others that we are sure that Jesus lives in them. He didn't tell you about religion, nor that you depend on me or who or what. If you can stop Jesus, your life will change, while if you can get Jesus to live in your life, everyone will notice. And He wants to stop as much as to make a home in your life. When an illustrious visitor comes to your home, you prepare the house first and treat them very well. And to prepare the house for Jesus to live in? If we prepare the house for friends and loved ones, who will tell God! The first step we need to take to receive Jesus is to clean the house and we are the house. It is necessary to change the hurt, resentful heart. Prepare the heart for Him, prepare your life for Him, because He goes to your home. Offer what you have, which is your love, your affection, your regret, your heart.
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