God is the priority...
To seek God is to trust in Him, answer the call, be available, and understand that the voice of the Lord Jesus is a priority in your life.
Don't be fooled
Do not be fooled by these false prophets
Totally dependent on...
God is the nutrient for your soul, feed on Him
Prove Your Fear of H...
we who need daily to prove our love, our faith, our hope, our fear in Him
Prove Your Fear of H...
we who need daily to prove our love, our faith, our hope, our fear in Him
Right words for your...
The words of deliverance come from you, but deliverance comes from the Lord Himself
Turn to the Lord
Prayer is the key that opens all closed doors, but for all this to happen, you must be in the ways of the Lord.
Do the work of the L...
Honor the work of the Lord, for you will prosper
Nothing is impossibl...
He prophesied for the valley of dry bones and the miracle happened
God is above all
God is powerful to do the impossible in your life
Give voice to the Lo...
God's anointing is only in the life of the giver. Let God speak to your heart
Anger will never pro...
Do not exchange God's Word for moments that are worthless. Don't leave the Lord to the background in your life.
See the opportunitie...
Be sensitive to see the opportunities the Lord gives you, even in the desert God is watching over you
God knows your heart
Invest in the anointing of the Lord Jesus, do not exchange God for anything. Because you are totally dependent on Him
The Lord manifests H...
He who talks about the person of Jesus and the opportunity he had to touch Jesus
Celebrate your victo...
Setting a table is a celebration, because God has already given you the victory, do not think that you have already lost your fight.
Be part of God's peo...
God's people are every person who hears His voice and does everything according to the will of the Lord.
Love the scriptures...
God has done everything He could to reach you, your family, and everyone around you. And He keeps doing
God is the priority in your life
To seek God is to trust in Him, answer the call, be available, and understand that the voice of the Lord Jesus is a priority in your life.
Don't be fooled
Do not be fooled by these false prophets
Totally dependent on the Lord
God is the nutrient for your soul, feed on Him
Prove Your Fear of Him
we who need daily to prove our love, our faith, our hope, our fear in Him
Prove Your Fear of Him
we who need daily to prove our love, our faith, our hope, our fear in Him
Right words for your transformation
The words of deliverance come from you, but deliverance comes from the Lord Himself
Turn to the Lord
Prayer is the key that opens all closed doors, but for all this to happen, you must be in the ways of the Lord.
Do the work of the Lord with joy
Honor the work of the Lord, for you will prosper
Nothing is impossible for God
He prophesied for the valley of dry bones and the miracle happened
God is above all
God is powerful to do the impossible in your life
Give voice to the Lord to have your...
God's anointing is only in the life of the giver. Let God speak to your heart
Anger will never produce God's righ...
Do not exchange God's Word for moments that are worthless. Don't leave the Lord to the background in your life.
See the opportunities the Lord is g...
Be sensitive to see the opportunities the Lord gives you, even in the desert God is watching over you
God knows your heart
Invest in the anointing of the Lord Jesus, do not exchange God for anything. Because you are totally dependent on Him
The Lord manifests Himself among us
He who talks about the person of Jesus and the opportunity he had to touch Jesus
Celebrate your victory
Setting a table is a celebration, because God has already given you the victory, do not think that you have already lost your fight.
Be part of God's people
God's people are every person who hears His voice and does everything according to the will of the Lord.
Love the scriptures of the Lord
God has done everything He could to reach you, your family, and everyone around you. And He keeps doing
God is the priority in your life
To seek God is to trust in Him, answer the call, be available, and understand that the voice of the Lord Jesus is a priority in your life.
Don't be fooled
Do not be fooled by these false prophets
Totally dependent on the Lord
God is the nutrient for your soul, feed on Him
Prove Your Fear of Him
we who need daily to prove our love, our faith, our hope, our fear in Him
Prove Your Fear of Him
we who need daily to prove our love, our faith, our hope, our fear in Him
Right words for your transformation
The words of deliverance come from you, but deliverance comes from the Lord Himself
Turn to the Lord
Prayer is the key that opens all closed doors, but for all this to happen, you must be in the ways of the Lord.
Do the work of the Lord with joy
Honor the work of the Lord, for you will prosper
Nothing is impossible for God
He prophesied for the valley of dry bones and the miracle happened
God is above all
God is powerful to do the impossible in your life
Give voice to the Lord to have your...
God's anointing is only in the life of the giver. Let God speak to your heart
Anger will never produce God's righ...
Do not exchange God's Word for moments that are worthless. Don't leave the Lord to the background in your life.
See the opportunities the Lord is g...
Be sensitive to see the opportunities the Lord gives you, even in the desert God is watching over you
God knows your heart
Invest in the anointing of the Lord Jesus, do not exchange God for anything. Because you are totally dependent on Him
The Lord manifests Himself among us
He who talks about the person of Jesus and the opportunity he had to touch Jesus
Celebrate your victory
Setting a table is a celebration, because God has already given you the victory, do not think that you have already lost your fight.
Be part of God's people
God's people are every person who hears His voice and does everything according to the will of the Lord.
Love the scriptures of the Lord
God has done everything He could to reach you, your family, and everyone around you. And He keeps doing