New purpose: Carnet Amigos de Deus
Come and be part of the Friends of God campaign

Purpose called Friends of God, is a new campaign made by the World Church of the Power of God. "This offer has the focus and supply of the needs of the Church and God gave me the inspiration to call them Friends of God, who are the friends who help us in the work of God," says Apostle Valdemiro Santiago.
This campaign is focused on helping to maintain the World Church's television channels, which through programming many people are touched by Jesus Christ.
To be part of the purpose is very simple. Contact our Prayer Center by phone: +55 (11) 35773800 / +55 (11) 34883050, or visit our website through the link: and ask for your membership card. Carnets are also available in the World Church app (available for Android and iOs) Help our work and be a Friend of God. SERVICE: - Carnet Friends of God - Contact: 0XX (11) 35773800 / 0XX (11) 34883050 or
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