Concentration in Lisbon
Portugal prepares to receive a move from the Lord from the leaders of the World Church of God's Power

It is coming to Great Concentration in Lisbon, November 24, Sunday, from 15pm. If you are looking for a spiritual renewal, miracle, changes in your life, the leaders of the World Church of God's Power will take a special blessing.
The concentration will take place at Avenida Sidónia Pais, 16 - Parque Eduardo VII - Lisbon Portugal.
Apostle Valdemiro Santiago will carry a Word that will give him hope to pass through the adversities of life together with Bishop Franciléia. Be sure to go, it will be a blessing. Informations - Great Concentration in Lisbon - With Apostle Valdemiro Santiago and Bishop Franciléia - Date November 24 at 15 pm - Sidónia Pais Avenue, 16 - Eduardo VII Park - Lisbon Portugal.
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