Great Vigil Salt of the Earth
May God bless our 2020 goals

Held on December 31, 2019, at the Anhembi Sambadrome, a wonderful and blessed event took place at the great Salt Earth Vigil. There were over 130,000 faithful to celebrate the coming of 2020 and thanking the Lord for the wonders of 2019.
It was a tremendous move, the praises were given by Pastor Raquel, Juliana Santiago, André and Felipe, Kemilly Santos, Leandro Borges, Rebeca Carvalho, Sarah Beatriz and Sarah Farias. In addition to the moments of worship, God worked great miracles during the Salt of the Earth vigil, Rachel was healed and listened again, to the honor and glory of the Lord Jesus.
Apostle Valdemiro Santiago brought a blessed word of victory to those who attended the vigil. May 2020 be a year full of good things, may you be blessed, and may all dreams and projects put God ahead. “Thank you my dear little sheep and this year I will pray much more for each one who is with me and who accompany me, a happy new year,” says Apostle Valdemiro Santiago. At the close of the evening message the Apostle Valdemiro consecrated the Pastors to Bishops and the Missionaries to Pastors. Many lives came out marveling at God's power over their lives.
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