The Lord is always w...
Joseph was imprisoned and yet God was with him
He is perfect
Just as He made the world perfectly, He has the power to move impossible things into your life
Hope comes from the...
Put your hope in the Lord who is invincible in battles, in the living God, all powerful
Be a person of praye...
First and foremost, we should pray, practice prayer daily
Be connected with Go...
To be connected with God is not simply to have knowledge of His Word, it is also necessary to practice this knowledge
God does not fail
Instead of complaining about your life that is not at all good, come closer to Him, worship Him, seek more for the Lord, love Him above all else
The Lord is your com...
He gives up everything that hinders him to have the consolation of the Lord Jesus
God has a purpose in...
When God has a purpose in your life, no one can stop what God has kept for you.
Do not let the devou...
Do not let the devourer beat your life.
Be a differentiated...
Be a new creature to be a person noticed and blessed by the Lord
Be closer and closer...
The more you touch the heart of God, the more answers you will have from Him
Everything gets bett...
The direction you need, the output you need is exactly in His Word.
Reconcile with God
Reconciliation occurs only when you acknowledge the Lord
God is the way to th...
Be dependent on the Lord Jesus Christ
Be a true Christian...
For the Lord what matters most is all who hear His Word and put it into practice
Believe in the Lord'...
God has the power to make miracles happen, you just want to pay the price Zacarias paid
Be sensitive to God
God is not far from you, He is always waiting for your cry, waiting for your prayer and readiness to help you
Seek your joy in the...
The joy that comes from God is different from what the world offers you.
The Lord is always with you
Joseph was imprisoned and yet God was with him
He is perfect
Just as He made the world perfectly, He has the power to move impossible things into your life
Hope comes from the Lord
Put your hope in the Lord who is invincible in battles, in the living God, all powerful
Be a person of prayer
First and foremost, we should pray, practice prayer daily
Be connected with God
To be connected with God is not simply to have knowledge of His Word, it is also necessary to practice this knowledge
God does not fail
Instead of complaining about your life that is not at all good, come closer to Him, worship Him, seek more for the Lord, love Him above all else
The Lord is your comforter.
He gives up everything that hinders him to have the consolation of the Lord Jesus
God has a purpose in your life.
When God has a purpose in your life, no one can stop what God has kept for you.
Do not let the devourer beat your l...
Do not let the devourer beat your life.
Be a differentiated person
Be a new creature to be a person noticed and blessed by the Lord
Be closer and closer to God
The more you touch the heart of God, the more answers you will have from Him
Everything gets better with our Lor...
The direction you need, the output you need is exactly in His Word.
Reconcile with God
Reconciliation occurs only when you acknowledge the Lord
God is the way to the solution of e...
Be dependent on the Lord Jesus Christ
Be a true Christian and you will in...
For the Lord what matters most is all who hear His Word and put it into practice
Believe in the Lord's promise
God has the power to make miracles happen, you just want to pay the price Zacarias paid
Be sensitive to God
God is not far from you, He is always waiting for your cry, waiting for your prayer and readiness to help you
Seek your joy in the Lord
The joy that comes from God is different from what the world offers you.
The Lord is always with you
Joseph was imprisoned and yet God was with him
He is perfect
Just as He made the world perfectly, He has the power to move impossible things into your life
Hope comes from the Lord
Put your hope in the Lord who is invincible in battles, in the living God, all powerful
Be a person of prayer
First and foremost, we should pray, practice prayer daily
Be connected with God
To be connected with God is not simply to have knowledge of His Word, it is also necessary to practice this knowledge
God does not fail
Instead of complaining about your life that is not at all good, come closer to Him, worship Him, seek more for the Lord, love Him above all else
The Lord is your comforter.
He gives up everything that hinders him to have the consolation of the Lord Jesus
God has a purpose in your life.
When God has a purpose in your life, no one can stop what God has kept for you.
Do not let the devourer beat your l...
Do not let the devourer beat your life.
Be a differentiated person
Be a new creature to be a person noticed and blessed by the Lord
Be closer and closer to God
The more you touch the heart of God, the more answers you will have from Him
Everything gets better with our Lor...
The direction you need, the output you need is exactly in His Word.
Reconcile with God
Reconciliation occurs only when you acknowledge the Lord
God is the way to the solution of e...
Be dependent on the Lord Jesus Christ
Be a true Christian and you will in...
For the Lord what matters most is all who hear His Word and put it into practice
Believe in the Lord's promise
God has the power to make miracles happen, you just want to pay the price Zacarias paid
Be sensitive to God
God is not far from you, He is always waiting for your cry, waiting for your prayer and readiness to help you
Seek your joy in the Lord
The joy that comes from God is different from what the world offers you.